Sunday, February 14, 2016


          "How will I know if I have HELLP?"

There are several different symptoms that can give you a clue is something is wrong, but best to see a doctor for a true diagnosis so they can put together the whole picture! On top of a clinical exam and discussion of symptoms, the doctor may run blood tests to check liver function and look at platelet levels. Urine screen may be done as well to check for proteinuria. HELLP is usually prominent in the 3rd trimester, but can rarely sometimes show up earlier. Sometimes it can happen that the symptoms show up after delivery even!

But here are some of the associated diagnostic tests that can help with the diagnosis of HELLP!

Hemolysis -Red blood bells
  • Abnormal peripheral smear
  • Lacatate dehydrogenase >600 U/L
  • Bilirubin > 1.2 mg/dl
Elevated liver Enzyme levels
  • Serum aspartate amniotransferase >70 U/L
  • Lacatate dehydrogenase >600 U/L
  • Low Platelets <100,000/mm3

How HELLP Syndrome is Classified

The severity of HELLP syndrome is measured according to the blood platelet count of the mother and divided into three categories, according to a system called "the Mississippi classification."

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