Sunday, February 21, 2016

Signs & Symptoms

"What sort of symptoms should I be watching for?"

Some of the major signs and symptoms that you should be alert to at home, are:

* Headaches (severe or worstening)
* Nausea or vomiting that is getting worse
* Upper right abdominal pain or tenderness
* Fatigue or "not feeling well" that is more than usual with pregnancy
* Edema (swelling of the feet, ankles, hands, face)

These are the most common signs. More critical signs may include:

* Bleeding
* Visual changes
* Chest tightening or radiating shoulder pain

Your doctor may assess and tell you that you have:

* High blood pressure
* Protein in your urine
* Abnormal lab values

All of these symptoms can mean that you are developing HELLP syndrome. Some of these by themselves can be normal in pregnancy, but need to be evaluated by a professional. Some women with HELLP syndrome may only show some symptoms and not others, while others may show all symptoms. Only a doctor can diagnose you, but these are just some of the things you would want to watch out for and report to your health care provider for the safety of you and your baby!

Many times HELLP syndrome begins with mild symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension, or preeclampsia, some show no signs at all until things have developed! It is important to catch things early for early treatment to prevent complications. The most common reasons a mother becomes severely ill (or possible death) are from stroke, hemorrhage, or liver rupture. All of these outcomes can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. If you feel like you are exhibiting symptoms, please contact your provider for an assessment!

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